A New Sexual Playground: Teaching Health Professionals

Our Better Half Podcast: Enjoying Sex in the Second Half of Life. Drs. Jane Fleishman, Jayleen Galarza, Sabitha Pillai-Friedman, and Rosara Torrisi, sex educators and sex therapists, break down the beauty of human sexuality in the latter half of life—we call it our better half

Our guest today is Dr. Gretchen Frey. Her specialty is Obstetrics and Gynecology. She graduated from the University of Colorado Medical School in 1985 and fulfilled her residency at the University of Colorado in 1989. She was on the faculty as an Associate Clinical Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. She began her obstetrics and gynecology practice in Littleton, CO in 1989 and gradually became more interested in integrative medicine. She practiced office-only gynecology from 2010 until 2019, and is now retired from clinical practice. ​During her years of practice, Dr. Frey developed special expertise in menopausal medicine. This included prescribing a wide variety of hormonal preparations including compounded bioidentical hormones. ​Another area of interest became the treatment of sexual difficulties, including low desire and vulvar pain syndromes. Sexual pain syndromes can be challenging to diagnose and treat. She often found that a team approach utilizing several providers with different skills provides the best chance of success. Dr. Frey is now retired from clinical practice and increasing her activities in her "encore career" as a sexuality educator. We hope you enjoy this excellent conversation! 


The Vagina Episode


Exploring the Science and Sociology of Menopause