Hello! Here’s a bit more about me.
My Background
I was born in the Chicago suburbs and moved to the Front Range of Colorado before beginning high school. I have been lucky enough to stay in the state ever since. I earned my bachelor's degree at Colorado State University and my M.D. degree at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. I completed my residency in OB/GYN with the CU program.
I began my practice of traditional obstetrics and gynecology in Littleton, Colorado. I gradually became more interested in an integrative medicine approach, which I incorporated during the following years in both solo and group practice settings. I practiced office-only gynecology for the last ten years of my career, and I have now retired from clinical practice.
My Special Interests
During my 30-plus years of practice I developed special expertise in menopausal medicine. This included prescribing a wide variety of hormonal preparations, including compounded bioidentical hormones, when indicated. A summary of my thoughts about menopause and hormonal treatments can be found in the "Menopause" post on the "Publications" page.
A natural outgrowth of my interest in hormonal therapy was the provision of gender-affirming therapy for transgender patients. I provided this care in the last several years of my clinical practice.
Another area which became important to me was the treatment of sexual difficulties, including low desire and pelvic or vulvar pain syndromes. Sexual pain syndromes can be challenging to diagnose and treat, but also very rewarding. I often found that a team approach utilizing several providers with different skills provided the best chance of success. More about this in the "Vulvodynia and Sexual Pain" post on the "Publications" page.
Now that I have retired from clinical practice, I am increasing my activities in my "encore career" as a human sexuality educator. More about this can be found on the "Speaking" page. I also recently co-authored a handbook for primary care providers dealing with sexuality -related topics in daily practice. More information is found on the "Publications" page, where you can link to the site selling the handbook.